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Well hello to fall and everything cozy…crisp fall days a little slice of heaven we look forward to every year!

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tabletop fall décor

If you’ve spent any time this past year sprucing up your home, chances are you’ve seen one of the hottest design trends is bringing natural elements into the home through decorative features. Clinging to nature, comfort and earth tones, we are using fresh and dried greenery and florals to add natural pops of seasonal color throughout the home and especially as centerpieces in artisanal pottery.  We highly recommend adding handwoven cotton linens to your table medley as your first layer.  Paired with round leather placemats and topped off with a rich marble or wood tray to set your vase on, you’ll be ready to start inviting guests in and sharing dinners as a family with a gorgeous setting.

Front porch decor

Your porch is how the world sees you from beyond your front door. If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and invest in a few planters you love. Large pottery on the stoop is a statement on its own, but paired with a plug-in uplamp immediately brings your porch to life and sets you apart. Be sure to purchase a light that is dimmable and really take a look at the amazing options on the market such as color changing (fun for the holidays), wi-fi enabled, and Alexa compatible. I’ve been gearing up for autumn by utilizing dried botanical wreaths that have bursts of warmth such as orange safflowers, yellow yarrow, preserved oak leaves, and dried pomegranates.  By selecting fresh greenery and florals that can age beautifully you can hold onto these all season long. Lastly, try to update your door mat at least once a season to keep your porch looking fresh while also giving you a chance to add a little festive flair year round.

mantel fall décor

This season is all about oversized greenery.  I always recommend having a collection of vases you love that you can rotate around your home and this season be sure to have in the mix a ceramic, terra cotta, or woven rattan. Right now is a great time to put them all on display at once in an assortment of colors and textures side by side.  Adding fresh or dried flowers to these vases in a variety of seasonal colors can have a big impact with lots of colors, or you can keep fall neutral with dried okra, wheat and pampas branches. Add depth to your mantel with wall art or a unique mirror hung above to create interest or bring more color into the room

living room and fireplace

Leaning into the natural elements once again, I love bringing in leather and animal prints as a texture and color as we move into fall.  Everything from a faux cowhide rug to cheetah throw pillows, animal prints are hot and a beautiful way to add that earthy energy. Grab a chunky knit blanket in olive, clay, or putty colors to continue incorporating those fall tones into your current decor. For an enhanced look, finish with rich cotton/velvet curtains in copper and dusty rose tones to really lean into those fall and winter months and give your home the warm cozy vibe you want.


I extend the usage of the outdoors as much as possible through the fall months by adding fire features to the yard.  Not only do these help practically, but they are a beautiful way to use natural elements to dress up your yard and can be seen from inside your home.  You can easily do this with decorative freestanding heaters and/or a free standing fireplaces featured on the patio or around the yard.  Either way, be sure your outdoor furniture is comfortably positioned around it so you can enjoy the yard while staying warm.  On patios that are used through the fall months, I always keep blankets out and available to add color and texture, and as the sun goes down. That way you can easily stay warm and cozy while enjoying the crisp air. Finally, adding string lights around the yard to complete the look!

We would LOVE to see your fall “happy”… tag us! Don't forget to check out our Amazon fall favorites

Wishing a PSL filled month,

The Urban Gypsy Team

Cynthia Montoya